TCP Command Line Tools on Linux

For any decent systems programmer on Linux, there will be time when he has to debug a pcap file. No understanding the nuances of TCP/IP are for another topic but here we just want to get started with opening and investigatin those pcap files.


It is such an awesome tool, to read the pcap file on command line. And I find its faster than wireshark as well. Since, the underlying library is libpcap, there is not difference in terms of features.

Read a summary of the file

tshark -r <pcap_file>
tshark -Vx -r <pcap_file>

Apply some filters

tshark -r <pcap_file> "filters"

Lets say you want to filter on the frame number tshark -Vx -r "frame.number == 1"

Filter based on the ip, port tshark -r "ip.addr == && tcp.port == 30003"

Enable absolute timestamps

tshark -t a -r <pcap_file>

Enable/Disable TCP Relative sequence numbers

tshark -o -o tcp.relative_sequence_numbers:FALSE -r <pcap_file>


Sometimes, we want to use the payload data from some older communication and modify the ip. Following commands, can do help do the same easily

tcpprep -a client -i packets_20201001.44.solarcapture.pcap -o cache_20201001

tcprewrite --cachefile=cache --endpoints= -i packets_20201022.52.solarcapture.pcap -o edited.pcap
Written on October 24, 2020